Monday, April 29, 2013


Hey People,
How is your week going? I finally got a car here! yay! so I can move around now, thankfully. The rate at which I have been getting lost even with a GPS isn't funny. :(. Hopefully I get used to the area soon.

I wore this outfit to church two Sundays ago. I hope you like. Enjoy!

Thanks to paosin for these pictures. You guys can tell the difference in the picture quality. hehe.

Peplum top: Valerie Black
Belt: Valerie Black
Skirt: Ross
Shoes: Can't remember

Don't forget to contact me here if you want something made for you.


  1. love the top and belt....#ankara

  2. Now dis phone is taking the piss, it's not letting me save the pictures like my other phone... im so sad,, this pictures are sooo...not the pictures u are looking super hott...choi,,, cleans sweat*
